Electrical Works and Systems Integration

Mubarak Associates specializes in Electrical Works and Systems Integration, providing comprehensive solutions to meet the evolving needs of modern infrastructure. From electrical installations to advanced systems integration, we deliver reliable, efficient, and innovative solutions that power progress and enhance connectivity.

Key Features:

  • Expertise: With extensive experience in the field of electrical engineering, our team possesses the knowledge and skills to tackle projects of varying scales and complexities.
  • Versatility: Our Electrical Works and Systems Integration services encompass a wide range of solutions, including security systems, safety surveillance, building automation, and energy generation, providing clients with a single source for all their electrical needs.
  • Innovation: We stay at the forefront of technological advancements, integrating cutting-edge solutions and smart technologies to enhance performance, efficiency, and sustainability.
  • Customization: We understand that every project is unique. Our solutions are tailored to meet the specific requirements, budget constraints, and timeline goals of each client.
  • Safety and Compliance: Safety is paramount in all our projects. We adhere to strict safety standards and regulatory requirements to ensure the well-being of our workers, clients, and the public.
  • Reliability: We are committed to delivering high-quality workmanship and dependable service, earning the trust and confidence of our clients through our professionalism and reliability.


  1. Security Systems Installation: Design and installation of security systems, including access control, surveillance cameras, and intrusion detection systems, to protect assets and enhance safety.

  2. Safety Surveillance System Setup: Implementation of safety surveillance systems for monitoring and recording activities in industrial, commercial, and public spaces to enhance security and safety.

  3. Building Automation System Installation: Integration of building automation systems to control and manage various building systems, including HVAC, lighting, and security, for improved efficiency, comfort, and security.

  4. Energy Generation System Installation: Installation of energy generation systems, including solar panels, wind turbines, and cogeneration systems, to generate clean and sustainable energy for buildings and facilities.

Why Choose Mubarak Associates? 

Choosing Mubarak Associates for your Electrical Works and Systems Integration needs ensures that you partner with a trusted industry leader committed to delivering superior outcomes. With our expertise, innovation, and dedication to excellence, we provide innovative and reliable solutions that meet the diverse needs of our clients and contribute to the advancement of infrastructure and technology. Whether you're seeking to enhance security, improve efficiency, or integrate renewable energy solutions, Mubarak Associates has the knowledge, resources, and technical capabilities to deliver results that exceed your expectations.